A morning of self-care (in lieu of therapy)


I don’t have therapy today. Em is…. well… I don’t know, actually…she’s not in the therapy room so maybe it’s her birthday, or perhaps she’s on a course, or I dunno it doesn’t really matter does it?… wherever she is or whatever she’s up to there is no session by the sea for me today.

As most people who have followed this blog for a bit will know, I don’t do especially well with disruptions to my therapy routine. Missed sessions often (usually!) feel like abandonment and I can end up circling the pit of shame and hell that I associate with the mother wound for a while before spectacularly falling in.

Christmas break bucked the trend somewhat and, unbelievably, I didn’t end up taking a nose dive with my mental health. I have known about this ‘mini break’ (ha unfortuantely not Bridget Jones-esque at all!) since way before Christmas so I’ve been anticipating having a quiet morning off before I go to work in the afternoon for a long while but not knowing how it would feel when it came to it. When Christmas went without a hitch I rather naively thought that future disruptions would feel ok too and so have been kind of ready for today to be ok…


To be fair, I haven’t been very well (physically) for a few weeks with a nasty virus that basically wipes all energy and makes your body feel like it’s encased in lead. As a result of being under the weather I have been getting really very tired doing my job and also basically just struggling to be a functioning, semi-competent human being…oh and a parent of two small people. I’m kind of on the flashing red light that says the power is about to die. I guess it’s unsurprising that I might not be quite as able to cope with my therapist being away when my ability to cope with daily life feels challenged.

This weekend I have been really aware that when I feel like this (tired, ill, stressed) I feel more reliant on my therapist and our therapy hours just to feel ok. Having sessions at the beginning and end of the week gives me something to aim towards in amongst the rush and chaos that is my life. On a Monday I feel like therapy sets me up for the week ahead and the Friday session sort of rounds off the week…it’s containing! lol!

I don’t spend all my sessions moaning about the here and now but it is really nice to have time scheduled in the week that is just for me and my well-being (although I do get how therapy isn’t exactly relaxing!). At the moment I have to be uber adult in my day-to-day life and I feel a bit like my more vulnerable self has been neglected – again, therapy gives a bit of time and space to acknowledge this part of me so I cope a bit better with the everyday existence.

So, today, no session but still work in a bit… I feel a mix of things. The young parts feel a bit confused, like, ‘Where is she? Why are we still at home? We want to see her!!’ The adult is relieved that I haven’t had to drive an hour to get to therapy and at 10:10 am back in bed with a cup of tea and the laptop having blitzed the house once the kids were on their way to school. I know that cleaning the house isn’t really what many would consider self-care but I don’t do very well with mess and feel much happier when the house is clean and tidy, so half an hour running about with the hoover and sorting the kitchen feels good to me.

Earlier in the week I had considered using this time to go and have a run, but being ill…it’s a noooooo! The idea of putting on sports gear and trainers right now makes me feel ugh. I’m definitely in a dressing gown and pjs place! And as well as this ‘no to exercise’ place I am definitely in a ‘no to people-ing’ place. I have my two cats on the bed with me and that’s basically put me in my happy place! I don’t have much else to say so I think, I am going to go nap….in the day time… before work.

How to self-care: BE MORE CAT! (no fucks given. so what if it’s your bed. sleep.)

Ooooh and I have a Spa day on Sunday with my wife!!




11 thoughts on “A morning of self-care (in lieu of therapy)

  1. Eliza January 28, 2019 / 12:17 pm

    Sending hugs…
    Hope today and this week go by okay for you and that you feel better soon
    Love and light

    Liked by 1 person

  2. behindapaintedsmile30 January 28, 2019 / 1:11 pm

    Not having therapy sucks, but I admire your decision to conserve your energy and have a relaxing morning. Such lovely cats too! x

    Liked by 1 person

    • rubberbandsandchewinggum January 28, 2019 / 6:02 pm

      Still feel wiped after the teaching and now at swim lessons with my daughter. Bring on bedtime 😁


  3. individualmedley17 January 28, 2019 / 6:54 pm

    Have you stolen one of my cats????!!!! 😸 IM xxx

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

    • rubberbandsandchewinggum January 28, 2019 / 7:32 pm

      I certainly hope not! As far as I’m aware the three mad fur beasties with whiskers are mine. I take it it’s the all black one that is similar to yours rather than mr oddjob strange face?! 😂


  4. easetheride January 29, 2019 / 12:58 am

    Hang in there. Sorry you’re not feeling well. I know what it’s like to have physical illness steal away all your energy, there’s no mental energy left to deal with all the emotions! Blegh! Thinking of you. Hope those kitties are good for some snuggles.

    Liked by 1 person

    • rubberbandsandchewinggum January 29, 2019 / 5:48 pm

      Thanks love! Am hanging on by skin of teeth. Fine re therapy but real life is going insanely busy!! Eek. Thinking of you. I’ll email and check in after work xxx
